:: Manager Publishing ::

The Thinkers 50

Szerző: Ciaran Parker

ISBN10: 0955008514
ISBN13: 9780955008511

Oldalszám: 160

Kiadó: London Business Press - 2006
Ár [bruttó]: 4990 Ft


További részletek

Who are the most influential living management thinkers? Based on the first global ranking of business gurus, The Thinkers 50 provides the answers. The 50 thinkers provide a refreshingly original flow of new ideas that redefine what managers should be doing, how they sould be doing it and, cricially, what their performance is evaluated against. Today's theory is tomorrow's task. In recent years the flow of ideas has become a torrent. The Thinkers 50 makes life easier by exploring the ideas and thinkers who are significant among the thousands that have emerged. Everyone from Dilbert to Michael Porter by way of Henry Mintzberg and Peter Senge. Some of the names are new, while others have been around in one form or another for years. No apologies. Good ideas last long after the fads have evaporated into hot air.

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